Anthropology students are encouraged to engage in professional activities such as attending and presenting at conferences. Here are links to professional organizations, including those in which Anthropology students have participated as members, conference presenters, scholarship recipients, and volunteers.
For archaeologists:
- Society for American Archaeology – www.saa.org
- Society for California Archaeology – www.scahome.org
- Pacific Coast Archaeological Society – www.pcas.org
- Ventura County Archaeological Society - https://www.venturacountyarchaeologicalsociety.com/
For bioarchaeologists and bioanthropologists:
- American Association of Biological Anthropologists - bioanth.org
- European Society for the Study of Human Evolution - eshe.eu
- Paleopathology Association - paleopathology-association.wildapricot.org
For sociocultural anthropologists:
- American Anthropological Association - www.americananthro.org
- Society for Applied Anthropology – www.appliedanthro.org
- Southwestern Anthropological Association - swaa-anthro.orgs